Elizabeth Swaney

Elizabeth Swaney is from the US and made it to the Winter Olympics. competing in the half pipe freestyle skiing event .She used a loop hole to get into the Olympics. because she has maternal ties to Hungary she was able to compete for them, even though she couldn’t make the US team.  Swaney came in last, but achieved her dreams. The gold medal went to Cassie Sharpe who did a series of amazing jumps. All Swanney did was ski down the hill and did a decent turn at the top.

Elizabeth Swaney in my opinion should not have been in the Olympics. I believe that the Olympic committee needs to change the rules. If a person is unable to compete for one country how can they be allowed to compete for another?

She didn’t cheat but used the system not exactly how it was intended. Earning very mixed responses for her being a constant. By doing this she managed to complete her dreams.  I don’t agree with the way she used the system.